Sunday 2 June 2013

The " JAGGO " ceremony.

The jaggo group
This is being written by me, for spreading the knowledge of the famous ceremony in a punjabi wedding, called " jaggo ". Its a punjabi word means to be asleep, basically it is a ceremony which was traditionally performed in the villages where the members of the wedding family wants the whole village to be asleep and tell them not to sleep as there is a wedding in the village and they should celebrate with them.

It is a ceremony which performed by the family members one night before the wedding. The pot or the "gaggar" is full with the candles or the " dias " which is carried on the head and the person who carries the pot gets a sagan (gift/money) from the parents of the bride/bridegroom.

There is a tradition in which the whole group ( i should say a jaggo group ) roams around the village and tell the persons where they reach to fill some oil in the " dias " which are placed very beautifully in the pot. The ladies carrying the pot dances and the whole group dances and  celebrate. Meanwhile the male members of the family are enjoying the whiskey at home, ( this is important for a punjabi family, you are not respecting them if you are not telling them to drink more ).

Punjabis are the people who never celebrates their happiness alone, the want that they should involve the whole pind ( village ) with them, therefore the jaggo say them to wake up and celebrate with us.

There is a famous song in the jaggo is " jatta jaag bai hun jaggo ayi aa " ( hey, farmer wake up its a jaggo and  celebrate with us ). There is also a  "chajj patna " which is basically a desi filter used for filtering the grains, which is used here for making a sound so that hype can be created and people will have attention and will have fun.

The whole environment gets filled with joy and happiness, ladies members are into so much makeup and have very brighter suits. The dances of the ladies are the clap dances in a pair of two.

Nowadays people don't have the actual jaggo there are electrical versions of the same ( u know the technology ! ) but the fun and the happiness remains the same.

Its a true fact that punjabi where ever goes, in any part of the world, they make the new punjab over there, we live in Indore (M.P) in India which is a bit away from punjab but the families here also celebrates the same way as in punjab.

Sharing few pictures.

Hope u like this article....
Keeping alive the culture.

Anshul Verma.
: )

The jaggo clap dance ( gidda )
Electronic jaggo :)

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  1. Please give your valuable comments and suggestions.

    : )
